Terms Of Use

Please review the following Terms Of Use that will govern your connection and usage of the joinleisure.com website and services. It is a contract between you (“End User”) and joinleisure related to your use of extension and services. You will be legally bound with the terms when you access the website, even if you have not registered for the service yet.

By accessing the website or using the extension, we presume that you have read the terms, understood them, and agreed to be bound by them. So, kindly read the terms before you start using the website.

Limitation of Liability

As per the applicable law, in no case shall joinleisure.com or its affiliates be held liable for third-party stores. Every purchase or involvement in deals is between you and third parties. Joinleisure can’t be held accountable or responsible for any direct, indirect, special, or punitive damage or loss due to any reason.


In no event, the services or official website shall be used by the end-user to compete with joinleisure.com in any way. You can’t use the service to build a competitive site or help other businesses to compete with our (“joinleisure.com”) service.

Intellectual Property Right

Other than expressly stated, joinleisure does not grant intellectual property rights or license to any of the users. We retain all the rights under intellectual property law. Our content, service, or website is forbidden from unauthorized use.

Age Requirement

For using the services or making the purchase using joinleisure.com extension, you must be 18 years old or above. Before using the service you have to confirm that you are of legal age to form a valid contract.

Termination of Service

Joinleisure reserves the right in its sole discretion to revoke or cancel your account and terminate you from further use of the service, access to the website, or browser extension, without prior notice. We keep a regular check on suspicious activities and take strict action in such cases.