CAT6 Shielded EtherCON Cable for Pro Audio 30 Feet($53.99Value)


CAT6 Shielded EtherCON Cable for Pro Audio 30 Feet($53.99Value)


EtherCON connectors surround the RJ45 connector and lock it into place, much like an XLR connector, keeping the Ethernet cable firmly attached at both ends during busy live events, high-energy concerts and long studio sessions. CAT6 Ethernet Speed - This shielded Ethernet cable meets the CAT6 specification for light-speed data transfer up to 10 Gbps.

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Sale Price37.99 USD
Age GroupAdult
Additional Image LinkHttps://,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Item Group IdShopify_US_7017160147053
Product TypeEtherCON Cable
Custom Label 1Cat6
Custom Label 34000
Custom Label 4N/a